Be Aware of Problems

Be aware! Creative Work Problems comic

Many people are not aware of the problems they face in their creative work. They just live in the day and work. That’s not bad at all. I think it’s great when people can work on their projects without any problems. But often there are problems that you don’t recognize.

Maybe you tell yourself that you are just the way you are. That you are just lazy or something else. Here we encounter the difficulty that we think a problem is simply our personality. Sure, you can be happy with yourself that way, then stay that way! But if you get angry from time to time or more often because you think you are lazy, then you have to do something about it. Or you are really just not aware of it.

For example, it can be that you are not aware that you procrastinate too much or simply don’t take enough breaks while working on your own projects. By reflecting and looking at our work system, we can clarify what exactly could be going wrong. So we can find out where the problems are and do something about it. This way we become more productive and maybe even happier than we thought at the beginning.

Therefore take an active approach and get aware of your problems. Here’s how you do it:

Evaluate yourself -> Determine problems, get aware! -> What do you want to change? -> Research and get ideas for a solution -> Implement possible solution -> Repeat cycle.

This post was last updated on 2 September 2024