I have updated all of my Creative Work Problems Comics Posts on this blog!
I uploaded them for a while to Instagram and my blog as solo posts. When I did them, I mostly just posted the comic itself, and rarely some more information about it. Well, now I’ve updated them all and added additional help and knowledge for almost every topic. I’ve also updated the name of the post so that it’s no longer named after the comic. Each topic is now more easily identifiable by the title of the post. You can now search the hell out of this site if you are looking for a topic you need help with.
I have listed below every post I have made with these comics in it. So if you’re interested in more information about a topic you see at the bottom of the list, don’t hesitate to go there.
I’m a note-taking addict. A few years ago, my notebooks were filled with notes for myself and my work as an illustrator and comic artist. Note-taking is something we all do, but often not in the right way. We write down our thoughts and ideas, but sometimes we don’t look at them again. A few years ago, when I was filling these notebooks, I would sometimes skim through my notes, but I often didn’t find what I wanted or found things I could have used earlier. So I’ve changed the way I use and work with my notes. Now I can actually use all my notes and they give me new insights and ideas for my creative work almost every day.
In this blog post, I’m going to talk about how you, as an artist or designer, can use your notes effectively to help you in your creative work. How not to forget your notes, how to use them effectively, and how you can increase your creativity and productivity just by using notes.
The Perfect Way to Capture and Use Notes
Plot twist: There is no perfect way to capture and use notes. But you should try different methods to see what works for you. So if you have been taking notes the same way forever, try to experiment and find a better way to take and use notes. I recommend doing everything digitally. There’s the “Zettelkasten”-method, but you need a lot of drawers to use them effectively. Who has room for that? Our space these days is digital! So do it digitally! Of course, you can write your notes on paper, but I recommend that you transfer them to something digital later to be able to use them effectively. I’ll show you how I capture and work with my notes later in this article.
Note-Taking Apps
There are a lot of note-taking apps out there. Choosing which one to use is up to you. Watch some videos about them, try them out, and then choose the one you like best. Everyone is different and likes different things.
I’ve tried a few and I like using Obsidian. I also use Notion, but not for note-taking. What I like about Obsidian is that it keeps all the notes it generates as an isolated file on my laptop. That way, if Obsidian ever disappears, I’ll still have all my notes and I can just import them and use them in another program. Here’s a short list of note-taking apps:
So you have your app and your old notes ready to work with. Now what? Well, before we start, we need a system for taking and organizing notes. This system can help you find and use your notes more efficiently. Here are some things you could do, but don’t have to.
Use a consistent format
Use a consistent format when taking notes or they will quickly become a mess. Examples include having a header and footer. In some apps, you can use a template so that all your notes have the same format. Things in your header and footer can be Tags, note types, aliases, authors, sources, “see also”, etc.
Use tags or keywords
Assign relevant tags or keywords to your notes. This can be particularly useful for searching and grouping related notes. I use tags as a separate file. So a tag like “drawing” is a separate note that takes me to drawing stuff and even more notes related to it.
Index and number your notes
For comprehensive notes, create an index and a numbering system. This will help you navigate through your files and speed up your workflow in your note-taking system. I use a variation of “Johnny Decimal” for numbering: Check it out!
Review your note-taking system
Every now and then it is good to review your system. How can it be improved? What is missing? For example, I had a lot of trouble with the indexes in my note-taking system. So I changed them to the numbering system mentioned above. Now it’s much easier to find things when I’m not using the search function.
Always have a backup of your notes! Even if it is “in the cloud”. Apps and servers can die, you know.
What to Do With Your Notes
There are lots of things you can do with your notes, and a lot more stuff out there on this subject. If you want to know more: Search and you will find it. It’s too much for a single post. Anyway, here are some things you can (and shouldn’t) use your notes for:
1. Remember forgotten thoughts and ideas
Go back through your old notes to find ideas you have forgotten. Sometimes a quick note from months or years ago can give you a great idea for your next creative project.
2. Use your note-taking system as a second brain
Your notes are a second brain where you can store helpful information related to your work in art and design. This can come in handy when you need help with something technical or want to improve your skills. When I am making a story, I like to look at all the notes I have on storytelling. So I go into my app and search for “story” or go to the “storytelling” tag. A bunch of notes come up and I pick the ones I like and read them. Then I use those notes to create my story. The same goes for any other skill I need to use. You don’t have to use it every time, but sometimes it’s good to see what else there is to the thing you’re making.
3. Boost your creativity: Find new insights
By taking detailed notes, you may discover new connections between old ideas and thoughts. Your connected notes work like your brain. An idea is usually a mixture of two thoughts. By tagging and connecting your notes, you may discover new insights and create new ideas. Reviewing your notes regularly may uncover interesting connections between ideas that seemed unrelated. So when taking notes, try to find tags and connections as you write them down.
4. Try to use atomic notes
An atomic note is a single piece of information. This makes it easier to organize and connect your notes in a meaningful way, creating a network of interconnected ideas. Atomic notes can be linked together to form a knowledge structure that helps you think, learn, and create more effectively. You don’t have to use these types of notes all the time, but they’re really powerful for creating new insights.
5. Use evergreen notes
Everygreen notes are pretty much the opposite of atomic notes. These notes are designed to be permanent and timeless, containing information or insights that remain relevant and valuable over a long period of time. I use them for information and thoughts that I use on a regular basis. For example: I have an evergreen note for every project I’m currently working on. It contains everything I need to know and remember about the project.
6. Plan your projects
Your notes can help you better plan and track your creative projects. For each project, I use different notes for research, goals, timelines, and other things. I make connections to existing notes and use those connections to generate new ideas. In Obsidian, with their canvas feature, you can have a visual guide and overview of your entire project.
7. Use visuals in your note-taking system
Try adding drawings, mood boards, or pictures to your notes. They can help you visualize the mood, themes and look of your creative work. Combining them with your old notes from years ago can help you come up with even better creative ideas and designs. Here also with the Obsidian canvas feature, you can visualize your written notes in conjunction with your visual notes. Perfect for us artists and designers.
8. Delete useless notes
If you are not sure if you can use a note that you really like, keep it. It might help you in the future. But as soon as you realize it doesn’t fit anywhere, delete it. It will only clutter your files and your mind. Only make and keep notes on things you might need and can use in the future.
9. Do not use your note-taking system to “work”
Note-taking can be addictive. It is so satisfying to organize and work with your notes. But don’t use it to procrastinate or “work”. Set up your system and use it when you need it. Don’t work all day to find better ideas and connect thoughts. It will feel like work, but it’s not. If you use your notes when you really need them, it will help you in your creative work and can improve your creativity and workflow.
How I Use My Notes
How I use my notes could be a whole new post in this blog. If you are interested, send me an email. Here’s the short version:
I usually write thoughts and ideas on sticky notes and scraps of paper throughout the week and then enter them into Obsidian at the start of each week. I work with a pseudo “Zettelkasten”. Yes, you can use the above ‘Zettelkasten’ method in a digital environment. But I only use the parts of the system that I like. You could actually write whole books just from atomic notes using this system. So check it out if this is something you want to do.
For each note, I tag it as a fleeting, literature, or permanent note. I will add a todo to these tags to remember what I need to work on. A finished permanent note should be an atomic note in my system. I link these notes with other notes to create new insights. Evergreen notes are used when I need something regularly. These contain lots of links to other notes.
All my notes are in one folder. Yes, just one folder. But I have indexes or maps of content that act as tags and “simulate” a folder. Why this? So I can use a note in different folders without moving or copying it. It also helps with connecting thoughts and ideas. And I really like that!
My Note-Taking System in Obsidian
Your notes aren’t just old records; they’re like active sources of inspiration, knowledge and ideas. By regularly reviewing and using your notes, you can get the most out of them. Think of your notes as powerful tools for your creative journey. This will help your creativity grow and your skills improve.
If you would like to hear me talk more about this, drop me an email.
Whether it’s comics, drawings, or something else, sometimes we just can’t come up with any good ideas. Our mind is empty. It seems that only the bad ones are left in our heads. But it is important, especially in our creative work, that we can generate as many good ideas as possible because the variety of them is what we need to make good things. Without many different (good) ideas, there will be no good creative work. And this is where we sometimes struggle.
So how do we do that? We have to distinguish between two things: Belief in the process and techniques for generating ideas.
Belief in the Process
Belief in the process is critical to idea generation. Because sometimes we don’t do the right thing to get the right ideas. We sit around and wonder why this creative thing just doesn’t get better. Why does THE idea never come? We have to believe in the process and this is divided into several areas.
Area 1: Trust in Bad Ideas
We have to remember that not every idea we generate is good. We dig and dig and just come up with nothing good. But there may be one good ones among hundreds of bad ones. It doesn’t matter how many there are. The important thing is that we know we just have to keep working on possible ideas so that eventually the good ones we need will come. And they exist. You know they are somewhere because you have had them in the past. Believe in it! Deep under all that crap is something we can use. So let’s keep digging!
Area 2: Belief in Working on Bad Ideas
Depending on the creative work you do, the process of turning bad ideas into something is important. For example, in drawing, sometimes the ideas come only when you start drawing. The same can happen with any creative work. If you make crap, at some point the thought of how to make something good out of the bad will come. Sometimes, even if you make a mistake, a good idea can come out of it. It’s very similar to when we have a hundred bad ideas in our heads. But if we work on it and use our hands (or feet, if you can work creatively with them), those good ones will come by themselves. So: Work on your thing! Don’t wait for a good idea, start working on it and it will come.
Area 3: Believing in Breaks
In addition, the creative process sometimes allows us to take a break. This is important because when we’re not working on our projects, an idea can suddenly come to us. So when things aren’t going well, it helps to just work on something else or take a break. Take a short walk outside, which has helped famous scientists to solve problems. Or get the idea in the shower. Over the years I have learned what is really important when taking these breaks: think about the problem every now and then. If you go for a walk without thinking about your project, you may never get an idea. But thinking too much is not good either, so it is important to find a middle ground.
When things aren’t going well, it’s important to remember these areas and not lose your head. Believe in the process! Believe in yourself! It helps you overcome anxiety and the pressure to come up with the perfect idea.
Techniques and Methods for Idea Generation
While it helps to believe in the process and keep working (or walking/showering) accordingly, good techniques for generating ideas are of course important. So here’s a list of my favorites and a few others. I distinguish between techniques where you don’t have an idea yet and techniques where you already have some.
Techniques and Methods Without Ideas
Just about the best-known technique. And one of my favorites. You don’t have to brainstorm in words! You can sketch, paint, make whatever in a tiny size, and do variations to brainstorm. This will trigger area 2 from before because you are already thinking about ideas and making them. And don’t be afraid to make stupid ideas! Even the worst ones go on this list!
Mind Mapping / Clustering
So I’ve been reading Writing the Natural Way by Gabriele Rico and came across a technique called “Clustering”. It’s similar to mind mapping but you write down the associations of the word you use. So if you need ideas for a topic about trees, for example, you write down the first thing that comes to mind about the word “tree”. For me it is “green”, “leaves”, “book”, “reading”, “free time”, “walking” … etc. Sometimes these associations give you pretty good ideas that even have a deeper meaning. For example, a few months ago I did a comic called “Catch an Eye“. I asked my partner to give me a word and I’d make a comic out of it. She said “eye” and I used the clustering method to get a concept for the story.
Real-Life Experiences
Sometimes we forget that we are living in real life to draw ideas from. So if you have a project that could have some connection to your past, search it for good ideas! Sometimes these are the best because they add a personal touch to your project. The second thing is to go to places in real life where you can experience something similar to your project. For example: If you have to do something related to the Middle Ages, go to a history museum.
Word Ideas
If you can get ideas for your creative project from a few words, you could use random word generators on the Internet to get some. You can even combine them. Sometimes when I draw a creature or character, I use some random words to get ideas of what they might look like. You could even point blindly at a book or newspaper to get those words.
Techniques and Methods with Existing Ideas
SO TAME Method
I used this in a Creative Work Problems comic. If you already have some thoughts, concepts, etc, you can use them to get other ideas. Sometimes the bad one just needs a different form to become good. The SO TAME method is a mnemonic for this:
S – Slice it up
O – Do the Opposite
T – Take something away
A – Add something
M – Mix it
E – Exaggerate it
Pretty much take your thoughts, concepts, ideas etc., and do one or more of these things to it. Sometimes you will come up with some very unique concepts. I use it myself almost every day.
Two into One
Sometimes two things should be one idea. To me, that is what an idea essentially is: A mixture of two thoughts. So if you need a good idea, try to combine two things. Do you need a warrior character design? Why not mix a warrior with a baby and make a big baby warrior? Because warriors are “dumb” and so are newborn babies. Voila, we have a nice idea. Maybe this has already been done, I do not know. You can do this with anything that exists.
The “What if…” Method
Let’s say you have a story. But this story is pretty boring and you have no idea how to make it better. Well, there is a method called “What if …”. This method asks a question about an idea you already have. It lets you think differently and add things that you would never have thought of without it.
So let’s do this quickly: We have a story. Say a whale wants to find his true love. A whale that just swims around might work, but … what if … the whale lives in the sky? Now we have a nice setting that makes the story more interesting. And we go on … what if … the whale falls in love with a cloud that looks like a whale?
Well, now we have a bad idea. But remember! You need stupid ideas to get to the good ideas. So just go with the “what if” method and you will find the good stuff. You don’t have to keep everything. Maybe with this method, we’ll find a cool story about the whale finding love, but it’s not going to happen in the sky.
I stumbled upon this method while researching this blog post. I haven’t used it yet, but it sounds promising. It is similar to my SO TAME method. This SCAMPER method allows you to think outside the box. The acronym stands for Substitute, Combine, Adapt, Modify/Magnify/Minimize, Put to Other Use, Eliminate, and Rearrange/Reverse. The method involves applying these seven strategies to existing ideas to create new ones.
Substitute involves replacing elements in the idea with alternatives. Combine suggests combining two or more ideas. Adapting involves modifying existing ideas to fit new contexts. Modify/Magnify/Minimize involves changing the size or scale of an element. Put to other uses suggests using a concept in a different context. Eliminating involves removing an element or simplifying an idea. Rearrange/Reverse involves changing the order or direction of elements.
Whether it’s a comic idea, drawing ideas, or what else you could do creatively, generating good ideas can be daunting, but it is essential for success in any creative field. Believing in the process is crucial because it helps you overcome the fear of failure and the pressure to develop a good idea. You must understand that generating these ideas is a journey, not a destination, and you must be patient with yourself.
In addition, you can use several techniques and methods. Brainstorming, Mind Mapping / Clustering, and SCAMPER are just a few examples of the many tools available to help you develop new and good ideas. The key is to experiment with different techniques and find what works best for you.
Ultimately, coming up with good ideas requires a combination of creativity, persistence, and hard work. By believing in the process and using effective techniques and methods, you can generate a wealth of new and exciting ideas that will help you achieve your goals and create good stuff for others to enjoy! Now keep on making!
This blog post brings you four of my latest Creative Work Problems comics and a tip for each topic.
The first one is about ideas and how they can take a little longer than we want them to. The second is about to-do lists and how overwhelming they can become. The third one is about motivation and how it comes and goes quickly. The last one is about how we like things we do, and after a while, we realize what a stupid thing we did (which is good).
Good Ideas Take Time
Often we have more bad ideas than good ones. This can sometimes make us feel like we don’t have any good ideas. So we often give up too soon. What helps is not to lose hope and to work on the ideas again for a while. Make variations, brainstorm again, or maybe try a completely new approach. If we keep at it, then the good idea will be there at some point, which we can then improve little by little. An idea doesn’t come to us in a perfect form, but it has the potential to become great. We just have to keep working on it.
Too many planned tasks can be disastrous. 🥵 I hear these little empty boxes screaming at me when I can’t tick them off. Let’s stop this so we can sleep better. We always want to do more than we can do. But in the end, our day only lasts 24 hours. And we have to divide the hours cleverly without overwhelming ourselves.
Here are some tips that you can use to better deal with to-do lists.
Plan enough (buffer) time. Most of the time, your tasks last longer than you think.
Never write more on your to-do list than you can do in one day. If you have to do so many things, then something is going wrong with your general planning.
Do the most important task first.
Have flexible things planned that don’t necessarily have to be done today. You’ll feel better if you still can’t finish them.
Some people only put three tasks on their daily to-do list. Much less overwhelming than an endless list.
Put your To-Do List where you can see it. I have a notebook just for my lists. It always stays open on my desk while I’m working.
If you have problems doing anything at all, it is often helpful to have a To-Do list with just one task. It can be anything. For example, watering flowers. Gradually you can create more tasks when you feel like it.
If you follow some of these tips, it will be easier “to do” your to-do list! And your list won’t annihilate you with empty little boxes. 🔥
When Motivation Arrives
Motivation comes and goes. Sometimes it fades faster than you would like. Or in this case, faster out the window. 👉 💥
I can give you the following advice: Don’t wait until you are motivated to work on your creative project. Don’t wait for the muse that may never come. Start with the thing you don’t have the motivation for yet. It is tricky, but sometimes it helps to spend ten minutes working on the task you’re not motivated to do. The magic is that you can get inspired by sitting down and working. And the inspiration will also quickly give you the motivation you are lacking. Ten minutes can then quickly turn into an hour or more. Try this when you’re waiting for your motivation to appear (or when you see it jumping out of the window).
Funnily enough, I had no motivation to finish this little comic. But I kept sitting down and working on it for a few minutes. And lo and behold, something came out in the end.
Some Good Work At Last …?
We sometimes have the feeling that we can’t produce anything good. But then the moment comes when we create something we like so much that we think it can’t get any better.
Yet things change after a while.
We look back on it years later and realize what we created back then is just crap. That’s a good sign. It means we have grown in our passion and made progress in our creative life. Those are the moments we need to remember! When we think we’re not moving forward. A thing in the past that we can grab onto when we are in creative despair.
But even if you don’t have those moments where you think you’ve made something great, you can still see how you’ve gotten better.
That’s why I advise you to look at your old work to see how much progress you have made. And use this as a weapon of creativity if you need it.
Those four comics are one of the last ones of my “Creative Work Problems” comic. You will find the new ones I do on Instagram if I start them again. If you have ideas for comic topics you can reach me here.
Remember that in the end, an idea is a mix between two thoughts. So mixing two ideas is always a good way to get new ideas. Even dull ideas can get more exciting, when you mix them with something new. With this method, you’ll be able to get some … well, ideas … to get better ideas.
I’ve made another blog post about getting good ideas in case you need some more tips for your creative endeavor.
Do you have a method for better ideas and want to share it here? Send me an email!