Keep going!

Keep going comic

Keep going! Creativity is like an adventure. It’s not a fast race, but a steady walk toward something amazing. So here’s the deal: with every brushstroke, keystroke, or musical note, you’re not just creating art; you’re creating your own story of growth and improvement.

Sure, there are days when the creative juices seem to be on vacation and doubt tries to sneak in. But let me tell you something important – don’t give up. Remember why you began this journey. Each stroke is like a mini-victory, a little lesson that makes you better and brighter.

Your creative journey is not just about what you put on paper or canvas. It’s about becoming the great artist you want to be. Think of each stroke as a small but powerful step toward mastering your craft. Don’t worry about perfection; mistakes are your friends. They’re the secret sauce that adds flavor to your creative recipe.

Look back at where you started. See the progress? Keep going! You’re not just an artist: you’re a magician who works miracles with every creative endeavor. Remember, even the pros weren’t born pros-they worked hard, learned, and kept going.

Never stop, because your potential is limitless. You’re not defined by the challenges you face. You’re defined by your ability to overcome them in your own creative journey. Embrace the bumps, celebrate the victories, and enjoy the whole creative process.

Your journey is unique, and the world needs your creative voice. Each stroke adds a chapter to your life’s masterpiece. So embrace the process, don’t fear imperfection, and keep going. Your creativity knows no bounds, and with each stroke, you’re creating something extraordinary. Remember, the journey may be long, but the joy of creating is endless.

Keep going and let your creativity flow!

Being Overwhelmed – Do One Thing

Do One Thing illustration

To not be overwhelmed is to make a to-do list. It is a good way to get things off your mind. It calms me down because I don’t have to keep reminding myself to do X or Y. I use Todoist for that. I can set a to-do for each day of the week and not have to remember everything I need to do. Then I do what is on my to-do list for that day and no more. If you have never done this before, give it a try!